Sunday, 29 October 2017

#RalphSays - There's No Place Like Home - Time to Move

#RalphSays - There's No Place Like Home - Time to Move

So it's that time. This week, Ralph will be giving notice on the home he's lived in for the last ten years, and moving into something altogether much more small.

Truth be told it's a little heartbreaking for me...Most people, it seems, go up in the world. When they move it's usually to bigger places, but ever since the '80s, each time Ralph has moved, it's to a place that is smaller one than the one before. For a man who's worked hard his whole life, that is the part that I am having trouble with. More trouble than I think he is about it.

Ralph's taking it all in stride. He's come to terms with the fact he's not able to work so much, make much money, drive himself anywhere or do much of anything. That time, I suppose, if we are lucky to live that long comes to all of us...

These days, he spends much of his time streaming TV show in a binge-like-fashion. So it doesn't matter where he calls "home".

This time next month he'll be in his new abode. It's not going to be the easiest of months, but once he's in, he's in.

In the meantime we're scraping together some funds to cover rent on both places. That's a stress in and of itself. Feel free to make a donation to Ralph's Moving Fund here (any amount would be fine - even a buck or two!)

Old Man Walking

To turn to slightly more cheery subjects - Ralph's walking.

Bought him a Fitbit for Christmas and he didn't much give a crap, to be honest.

It's often the case when buying something for Ralph. He gets presents and he's not too fussed.

You should have seen how nonchalant he was when got his iPad. It was the textbook definition of apathy or ambivalence - until a week later when it was his new best friend.

Well the Fitbit took slightly longer for him to come around to, but he finally has.

I'd set his daily steps for 2000 at a time he was probably doing 400 (Bed - Bathroom - Kitchen - Repeat). During my last visit however, we put the Fitbit in his sock and now, low and behold, he's a changed man.

He checks his stats daily and tells me to. He's doing those 2000 steps pretty regularly. Not bad for an ole fella.

It's been quite the journey to get here, but he's doing it and I am so proud. (Next trip it's going up to 3000 or even 4000...)

Who knows, maybe in his new neighbourhood, he'll find a walking buddy? I live in hope...

#RalphSays - Old's Cool (He'd Know)

This week a teacher friend called Jane bought a couple of the Ralph Says "Old's Cool" spiral notebooks off of Ralph Says Things on Red Bubble.

Her notebooks are in "charcoal" - not navy - as pictured above.

As she gave me cash to order her notebooks for her, I thought to myself, "Hmm, I think I'll pick myself up an Old's Cool t-shirt". I've been wanting to buy one for ages. I specifically wanted something long-sleeve and black, so I could wear under things...

This is what I got. I can't wait to see it - in a week or two.

Ralph Says "Old's Cool" - on Red Bubble

It's my newer version of his Old's Cool shirt - this time with a white frame around it. ' Sure it's simple but effective, at least in my own opinion...

What do I know? I'm not a designer, only a daughter trying to help support her dear old dad...

#RalphSays - "Thank You" to John Clark

On the last Ralph Says post it was Joan from JL Formulations who shared pictures of her cool Ralph Says Swag.

This week it's a big Ralph Says "thank you" to John for showing off his two, new Ralph Says shirts! John kindly picked up No Desire to Retire and Young @ Heart last month.

We reckon he wears it well, don't you think? Thanks so much JC. You're a pal!

We appreciate the support people! If you've bought any Ralph Says Swag on Red Bubble, then please share it with us...Remember it's not just apparel, it's stationery, bags, device covers, home decor and much more!

Also please pop by the RST Facebook page - as there are updated posts daily, and FB being FB doesn't always show the posts to its "fans"...

It's also where we'll be doing FB lives soon.

Thanks for stopping by whoever you are, wherever you are...

As Ever, You Can Follow Ralph Says Here:

Ole man Ralph is just about everywhere online. So you we appreciate you following Ralph Says Things on any of the following social media channels:

Ralph Says Things - Facebook
Ralph Says Things - Twitter

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

#RalphSays - Shop on Red Bubble to Support Ralph!

#RalphSays - Shop on Red Bubble to Support Ralph!

So #RalphSays - Shop on Red Bubble to Support Ralph....Ralph's got all kinds of original "Swag" on his Red Bubble store. The "swag" includes things like  T-shirts, Hoodies, Clocks, Stationery, Stickers, Mugs, Cushions, Clocks, Wall Art and so much more. Why? To help Ralph that's why. 

Consider it a bit of charity for someone who's probably worse off than you.

A few posts back on this blog, there was a post about Ralph going mobile...

Well, he'll be giving notice on his current residence soon, and moving to Santa Cruz to be nearer daughter number 2. He'll need to pay rent on both places for November...which is worrying.

To be honest, he's taking it mostly in stride, but it must be incredibly stressful and depressing to even consider...not only the move but the lack of money.
#JSSAMO - Just Say Shit and Move On

Cue: #RalphSays

Why even launch #RalphSays? I've mentioned it before, but you may not have seen it here...It's not just to get him some much-needed cash, but to give him something to focus on. 

Ralph, now in his 80s would still work every day if he could. Without that focus, he gets depressed (who wouldn't?) 

So it was my intention to create a little brand around him to give him some purpose.

Sitting around hoping to win the lottery isn't the best strategy to run out one's days. The odds of winning, in whatever country we're in, are slim to nil. Of course people do win - in most draws but the odds are stacked against us.

Better to create a business, or write a novel (he's working on one slowly but surely) or take some sort of action. So that's why #RalphSays...

Are You Creative?

We'd love to work with anyone who wants to create some unique t-shirts for Ralph Says Things. We'd be happy to split any royalties made. We just need some designs beyond my simple efforts. I'm not a designer but I am doing what I said above, taking action.

So if you're good at design, and want to help an octogenarian out, then give us a shout! We'd love to collaborate with you...

That's All for This Update

Time to crack on with real work...Thank you all for your support of Ralph. We appreciate it so much. You don't have to buy anything, even liking, commenting, sharing posts/tweets etc will help. Or sharing any content of old people with us by tagging us in what you come across.

Follow Ralph Says Things

To lend your support to Ralph you can follow Ralph Says Things on any of the following social media channels:

Ralph Says Things - Facebook
Ralph Says Things Twitter

NOTE: I've decided not to link to Cafe Press anymore and focus on Red Bubble. Have any t-shirt ideas, or want to do a joint venture design, then please let me know by commenting here.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

#Ralph Says - October Already? What's Up At Ralph Says Things?

What's Up At Ralph Says Things?

#RaphSays - October Already, What's Up At Ralph Says Things?

Welcome to another chapter from Ralph Says Things book (not a "book" book, but you know what I mean).

Can't believe it's October already.

Ralph has been out working, and whilst doing so, promoting his #JSSAMO hashtag at every opportunity he gets. He loves telling his customers what it means, and claims they all break into fits of laughter. The same thing happens when I tell people what it means (Just Say Shit and Move On - in case you didn't know). 

We should all take a page out of Ralph's book, but we don't.

Instead we let things fester, and feel hurt and annoyed. Or we let someone else do our "dirty work" - and say what needs to be said....Instead of just sitting people down and having a chat and saying our peace. 

But that's another post for another day...

So What's Been Happening With Us?

It's been a while since the last post - because life is getting in the way.  Here in Scotland, it's been a case of working super hard to try to make a bit of money to support ole Ralph. 

There have been some new Tshirt (or in this case Hoodie) designs added to Ralph's store and I've created my own shop which is filled with loads of new, simple designs...

Whether you buy from the Ralph Says Store/s or mine (TNTs), the royalties will go toward helping Ralph live more comfortably. The main aim is for him to worry less about money and living.

Was delighted to see one of my clients, Joan, from JL Formulations picked up a few Ralph Says items off Cafepress, both the Old's Cool and the #JSSAMO shirts, and shared a picture on Facebook earlier. It warmed my heart. Thanks Joan! That was the happiest surprise of the weekend, and after a not-so-great day yesterday, I needed that boost.

Joan, founding of sports a #JSSAMO T-shirt Supporting Ralph Says

Dealing with Elderly Parents

I've been having conversations about, and doing some research on people's challenges with ageing parents. In fact where my conversations once tended to be primarily about men and work, it's now about our parents. This is the case for both sides of the pond.

Whether you have money, or in our case don't, it's hard being in this position. it's a different kind of stress and sadness to losing a parent young, like I did with my mother.

This may be the most stressful and emotional time I've ever had, prolonged anyway. Frankly, I'd have thought by the time I'd reached this age, I'd be financially successful enough to be able to look after my father. 

As I mentioned on a previous post, he had to help me much longer than any father should have to help their offspring. So honestly, there is nothing I'd like more than to be able to look after him now. 

I'd go as far to say that it is my sole driving focus and intention. Truth be told, it makes me feel like a bit of a failure that I can't. 

But the fact is I am trying. I really am doing my absolute best. Seven days a week. I am doing my best to be proactive, to try to blog and to drum up sales, for makeup or candles, or create the designs for the Red Bubble shops. Success is slow to build but we're doing it, brick by brick. Like any new "business" or project, it takes time.

The Sandwich Generation - Not Just Stressful for Parents!

There is a term I recently heard called the "Sandwich Generation". It's not a new term, but it describes people that have to take care of both kids and elderly parents, trying to juggle both, and trying to have a life and career of their own. 

I don't know what the term is for us single men and women, with no kids (who may or may not have partners). We still have the stress, financial worries, and desire to support parents. Let alone for those of us living thousands of miles away from our parent. (Maybe I should come up with my own word - like how I already coined the term "Solo-Non-breeder"....) Apparently the fact that people are living longer, means it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Even without kids of my own, it's still bloody hard trying to juggle life, financial stress, etc - thank you very much

I liken it to putting on your own mask on a plane, before you can look after anyone else.

Join the ALL NEW Live Brain-a-Thon 2017 (#brainathon)


Finally before I go, if you're anything like me, you too are interested in making more money. So I thought I'd mention this amazing webinar taking place on Saturday. It's an annual, LIVE event called the Brain-a-Thon that lasts several hours and features several doctors/experts (as pictured) in the field of neuroscience and related areas. This LIVE event is FREE and you can learn more and sign up here. I'll be live tweeting while it's on.

Follow Ralph Says Things

To lend your support to Ralph you can follow Ralph Says Things on any of the following social media channels:

Ralph Says Things - Facebook
Ralph Says Things Twitter

NOTE: I've decided not to link to Cafe Press anymore and focus on Red Bubble. Have any t-shirt ideas, or want to do a joint venture design, then please let me know by commenting here.

#RalphSays - Ralph's Ultimate Flight

#RalphSays - Ralph's Taken the Ultimate Flight You could be forgiven for wondering if Ralph was still alive - given the fact I...